There’s nothing more annoying than taking a shower and being unable to drain the tub. Here are some indications that you could have a problem, why bacteria could be your friend, and why roots might be your enemy.
Warning Signs
There are a few warning signs indicating that you could possibly have a problem with your pipes. You might start hearing a gurgling sound from the toilet, the toilet may not flush as quickly as it used to, or you may observe some odd/foul odors. The smell could be a signal that there’s standing water or a backup happening in the basement.
Always check your basement floor to make sure that you don’t have a drainage problem. If your home has a basement floor drain, you could get a backup without ever even knowing. You might be doing laundry or taking a shower only to find a small amount of moisture on the basement floor. What that really could mean is that the drain was backed up and only had a chance to drain after the water was shut off.
Friendly Bacteria
There is such a thing as beneficial bacteria—our bodies rely on many different kinds of bacteria in order to function. In fact, the bacteria cells in our body outnumber human cells 10 to 1. Plumbing drainage and septic systems also need good bacteria to work properly. The bacteria that live in plumbing systems break down fats, oils, and grease that would otherwise build up and create obstructions.
Humans have a self-inflicted phobia of germs. Whenever we use hand sanitizers, antibacterial dishwashing liquid, or antibacterial hand soaps, we’re actually doing harm to our drains. If we wipe out all the bacteria in our plumbing system with antibacterial products, there’s no beneficial bacteria left to prevent obstructions.
Instead of wiping out all the bacteria, we should be doing the opposite. Supplementing good bacteria by pouring it down the drain makes practical sense from a maintenance standpoint. We offer a product called BioSmart, which is a natural beneficial bacteria supplement. It’s not harmful to pets, people or the environment. You simply apply the product to the drains once a month to keep good bacteria in the area. BioSmart helps to keep pipes clean and unobstructed by eating away at fats, oils, and grease before they have a chance to build up.
Pipes and Roots
Plumbers currently install plastic drainage pipes and PVC pipes. Forty years ago, these pipes might have been made from many types of materials such as cast iron, Orangeburg, or even clay. These kinds of pipes tend to break down gradually over time. At some point it’s likely for them to either collapse or get roots growing in them. (Plant roots feed off of the source of nutrition found inside the pipe system.)
In the past, homeowners would hire someone to run a cable down the line and clear the roots. The treatment would last about a year until the roots grew back. You’d then have to get the same thing done all over again. It’s way more expensive now to get the service done thanks to rising costs (it definitely doesn’t cost $50 like it used to). Instead of dealing with the same problem repeatedly, follow these three pointers:
- Make sure you take care of your pipes with proper maintenance
- Be aware of the material that your pipes are made out of
- If roots ever become a problem, replace the pipes instead of resorting to a temporary (yearly) fix
If you’d prefer to have a comprehensive plumbing solution that protects your home from costly and annoying plumbing problems, we suggest signing up for Wisler’s Diamond Club. One of the benefits of joining the club is an annual visit where we check the drainage flow of each fixture. Aside from the annual visit, we also suggest that homeowners pour the supplemental bacteria (BioSmart) in the drains on a monthly basis.
If you have any questions about keeping your drains unobstructed, contact us online or give us a call at (540) 685-0366.