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How Often Should I Change My Furnace Humidifier Filters

Furnace Humidifier Filters

Wondering what it means when your thermostat tells you to change your humidifier pad? An unknown error message can be a little worrying, but don’t worry: it’s just telling you that it’s time for regular maintenance.

You might call it a water filter, a water panel, an evaporator pad, or a humidifier filter, but whatever it is, whatever its name is, if you need a little humidity in the winter months. It needs to be replaced regularly!

Furnace humidifiers or whole-house humidifiers are different from portable humidifiers and require different maintenance and attention.

How Often To Change Humidifier Filters for a Furnace?

We’re here to answer all your questions about whole home humidifiers. You need to change your humidifier’s filter once a year, which is easy to forget. That’s why new systems often include this reminder.

It may need to be changed more frequently. For example, in the harsh winters in the Greater Roanoke Area, your humidifier will be used more frequently, meaning the humidifier pad will wear out more quickly.

Additionally, some areas in Virginia have hard water and high salt levels, which also lead to rapid wear, while areas like Roanoke or Salem may require maintenance.

Why Change Your Evaporator Pad? 

You may think that there is no need to change the pads, after all, the humidifier still works! That may be true, but not changing your humidifier pad can lead to bigger problems than wasted electricity.

The first concern should be reduced efficiency. Humidity decreases, resulting in dry, itchy skin and a sluggish HVAC system.

Moisture trapped in the old pad causes bacteria and mold to form, contaminating the air and damaging the equipment. In addition, the device itself wears out faster and the drain also becomes clogged.

It’s safe to assume that you want good indoor air quality, so breathing in dust and mold isn’t ideal. It helps keep your furnace humidifier’s filter clean and maintained.

It is important for everyone to know how a furnace humidifier works. Changing the brake pads is not a particularly difficult task, we will explain how to do it below.

However, if you are busy with enough tasks, finding a new task can be very overwhelming! Let Wisler take care of the maintenance for you – that’s our job!

How To Change Your Whole House Humidifier Filter?

If you have your user manual, be sure to read it and follow the instructions. If you don’t have a manual, you can follow these steps, which are the same in most cases. The entire process should only take a few minutes and requires little to no technical knowledge.

Remember, it may be a water filter, water panel, evaporator pad, or humidifier filter.

  1. Turn off the heating. Set the humidifier to 0 or “Off” and turn off the furnace.
  2. Remove the cover. This can be done by simply pushing it in, or you may need to remove the cable ties or clips holding it in place. They are located at the top and bottom of the humidifier. Store any parts you remove in a safe place.
  3. Disconnect the water hose. Is there a hose preventing you from opening the lid? Loosen it with a wrench and turn the pipe to the side.
  4. Remove the evaporator pad and inspect it. If it appears to be in good condition, a thorough cleaning with vinegar and water may be sufficient. Immerse the pad until the calcification dissolves and rinse with clean water. If cleaning does not solve the problem or the filter appears damaged, it may be time to replace the filter.
  5. Prepare the humidifier pad. If your filter is too damaged or old and needs to be replaced, unpack the new filter and set it aside. Make sure you purchase the exact filter as there are different sizes.
  6. Insert the new, clean pad. There are rails that ensure you slide it into the right place. There are colors on one side of the block to indicate that it should be at the top of the insert. There should be no pinching, jostling or jostling. It should slide in relatively easily.
  7. Replace the cover. Replace it or secure the cover with the clips or cable ties. Also reconnect the water dispenser tank.
  8. Turn on your own humidifier. Adjust the humidity back to the desired value, check the connections for tightness and switch on the heating. Check that the water is draining properly and that you don’t see any other signs of problems.

Now that your humidifier is clean and working, be sure to set it to the appropriate humidity level for winter.

Need Help With Your Whole-Home Humidifier?

Whether it’s replacing your evaporator pad or repairing your humidifier, the experts at Wisler would be happy to help you! Our team is trained to install, repair and maintain whole-home humidifiers. Call us and we will help you with whatever you need.

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