Whenever anybody makes a transaction with a company, there is a certain amount of inherent risk involved. One of our goals here at Wisler Plumbing is to give our customers peace of mind by removing as much of the risk as we possibly can.
One of the most important ways we do this is by staying strongly invested in our community. Wisler Plumbing is a locally owned and operated company that has been around since 1986. We care about continuing to build our strong reputation that has spanned over two generations. People can be confident when they do business with a company that has been around for more than 25 years.
We’re not going anywhere—whenever a plumbing issue arises, clients know they will be able to reach us at our 24/7 call line. In fact, even Wisler Plumbing’s family members can call our hotline. Just recently, my aunt had an urgent plumbing issue and she had misplaced my cell phone number. She was able to deal with the situation and get ahold of me by calling the 24/7 line. The support line isn’t only useful, apparently it is also easier than calling me directly.
If clients were to go to a company that was fairly new or uninvested in the local community, there would be an increased risk in making that purchase. Customers would have very little peace of mind if they were not completely confident in the people they invited into their home. Just as importantly, new companies don’t have a solid history that instills confidence in the warranties they provide.
Ultimately, people need to choose a company that they can trust. That is why we appreciate every client that puts their trust in us to take care of their plumbing needs. In past posts, we talked about the importance of who you allow into your home, the quality of the products we provide, and our commitment to providing clear, comprehensive warranties. All of those things play an important role in maintaining and strengthening the reputation that we hold.
We’re proud of the relationships we have formed over the years. We care about each of our customers, and treat their homes as if they were our own.
If you have any questions about how we can give you peace of mind at Wisler Plumbing, give us a call today at (540) 352-4262.