What is DIY for a Septic Tank?
We might not normally think that DIY and septic systems go hand-in-hand, but there are actually some things that anybody can do to maintain a septic tank so it will work optimally.
Bacteria and Your System
Onsite septic tanks mainly rely on bacteria to do their job. However, today’s society uses antibacterial agents in a wide variety of products like soap, hand sanitizer, bathroom products, and even some laundry detergents. The first thing someone can do would be to introduce some sort of supplemental bacteria. The widespread use of antibacterial products has been harmful to the septic industry because it reduces a septic system’s ability to break down and decompose matter that goes down the tank. If you do continue to use any type of antibacterial products, you’ll need to supplement the septic system with helpful bacteria. We carry a product called BioOne, which contains living, breathing bacteria that can be safely flushed down the toilet to recharge the septic system. (These kinds of products can also be found online.)
Safe Products
Next, be aware of what type of toilet paper you use. Fluffy, heavy toilet paper might not be the best kind for a septic system whereas a thinner product which decomposes faster will definitely be helpful. Aside from toilet paper, someone might also want to be careful about what gets put down the septic system. Do not flush anything down that doesn’t decompose easily. Fibrous cleaning products such as Clorox wipes, general purpose cleaning wipes, or baby wipes will not decompose quickly and could build up over time. You definitely want to avoid flushing down any toiletry products too.
Regular Maintenance
This last item isn’t something you’ll do entirely by yourself, but you can definitely make the phone call. I would definitely recommend having someone inspect your septic system at least every 10 years. You might also want to have the system pumped out to make sure it’s clean. It might not need to be pumped out if it’s a well-operating septic system, but you definitely don’t want to wait too long to find out if a problem exists. (By then, you could have ruined your drain field.) Inspection every 10 years is most important just to make sure everything is working properly.
For professional help with your septic system, contact us online or give us a call at 540-483-9382.