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Our Pricing Structure

In a previous post, we talked about how to figure out if you’re being ripped off by a plumber. We also briefly discussed why we don’t charge an hourly rate. This time we’re going to talk about our pricing structure and how it offers our clients peace of mind.

If you pay someone to do a job, you should expect to see results. A common problem in this industry is for someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing to come in, do a job, and still not fix the client’s actual issue. At Wisler Plumbing, we don’t expect someone to pay us if we didn’t actually fix the problem.

We were just recently at a client’s house where they were complaining about low water pressure. While speaking with them, they said that they wanted to boost their pressure. We knew that this wasn’t going to achieve the result that they were looking for. We could have just gone along and told them that we would increase the pressure, but we didn’t. The outcome would not have been what they really wanted.

The bottom line is when we give a fixed price, we refer to the Straight Forward Price guide before we begin our work. We want to make sure that the price is going to answer the long-term concern and give the result that the client is looking for. The price that we give isn’t just a stepping stone—it is what it is. We’re not going to hand you a quote and then charge you an hourly rate that would make you anxious.

There are many times when we’re called out to someone’s home where the issue needs to be worked on immediately. We will give our Straight Forward Price, clearly explain what we plan to do, get authorization, and take care of the work as soon as possible. There are some occasions out of our control like weather, special order products, or needing to schedule an entire day to complete the project. In most cases, however, we will commence work immediately.

The reality is, our fixed pricing system reduces anxiety and raises customer satisfaction. There is very little opportunity for unexpected situations to arise. Clients aren’t wringing their hands and watching the clock. They will know how much the job is going to cost right up front.

We have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for all the work we do. When you put your trust in us at Wisler Plumbing, you can expect to see results. Learn more by contacting us online or giving us a call at (540) 685-0366.