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If your floor drain keeps backing up, it’s time to investigate the underlying cause. Don’t wait to fix this problem as a clogged floor drain can lead to costly water damage from standing water. Check out our guide to find out what’s causing the problem and how to fix it.

Why Is the Floor Drain Keeps Backing Up?

Wondering why your floor drain keeps getting clogged? One of the three problems listed below is likely the cause.

1. Clogged Drain Lines

Of all the drain lines in your home, the floor drain is at the lowest point. When other drain lines are clogged, wastewater cannot flow through them. At this point, the wastewater has nowhere else to go but into the drain line. Since the floor drain cannot absorb all the excess wastewater, it begins to overflow.

2. Sewer Line Clogs

Similar to drain lines, your sewer line can become clogged over time with waste and debris. If your floor drain is clogged, it is a sign that wastewater cannot flow through the sewer line. The floor drain eventually fills with so much wastewater that the water overflows to relieve the pressure.

3. Sewer Line Damage

Damage such as cracks and holes in the sewer pipe can also affect the proper drainage of wastewater. Excess wastewater ends up in the floor drain and creates a backup in your home.

3 Ways To Stop Basement Floor Drain Backups

Follow these three steps to prevent your basement drain from backing up with water.

1. Ask Questions

Since when does the floor drain discharge wastewater? Have backups already been created? Does accumulated water smell bad? Here are some of the questions you need to ask yourself to solve this problem

2. Test Your Plumbing Fixtures

Hire a plumber to inspect your plumbing fixtures. This process involves turning devices on and off to see what happens as water flows through drains and sewer lines.

3. Inspect the Pipes With a Camera

Your plumber will also inspect your pipes with a camera to locate the exact source of the floor drain backup. This inspection helps the plumber determine whether repairs or replacement are necessary.

How to Fix a Clogged Floor Drain

Are you tired of your floor drain constantly getting clogged? Here are three ways to fix the problem permanently. If none of these solutions work, a plumber will need to take a closer look.

1. Hot Water

If your floor drain is clogged, try pouring hot water down the drain. The hot water removes any residue such as oil, grease and soap that has accumulated in the drain line.

2. Common Household Solution

Pour a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain to dissolve any residue. After about 15 minutes, pour hot water over the drain line to flush out any remaining mixture.

3. Plunging

Plunging is a reliable method for clearing pipe blockages and preventing underground pipe backups. Repeated suction moves the clog further down the drain until it comes out the other end.

Sewer Line Repair or Drain Cleaning Roanoke, VA?

Is the drain line still backing up in your home’s drain? Wisler Plumbing & Air provides innovative drain cleaning services and video sewer inspection solutions for homes in Roanoke, Salem, and All Throughout places of Virginia. Call our team of Roanoke plumbers at 540-483-9382 to schedule an appointment and get help with a clogged drain in your home.

Our professionals also offer other types of emergency plumbing services, such as sewer line replacement, water line repair, and water heater repair. After a thorough inspection, our licensed plumbers will save you time and money by eliminating the plumbing problem at its source.

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