Water level quality is categorized in three levels: utility grade, laundry grade, and cooking grade. Whenever a client calls us with a water quality issue, one of the questions we ask them is what type of water they would prefer. This largely depends on what they will be doing with the water. From there, we can gauge the client’s expectations to provide a product that performs according to their needs.
Utility Grade
Utility grade water is suitable for washing cars, bathing pets, cleaning the garage, and doing around-the-house chores. As the name indicates, this quality of water is for utility type tasks. For some clients, this quality of water is good enough for their whole home.
Laundry Grade
Laundry grade water is the next step up in quality. This water can be used to wash clothes with no negative consequences. Lower quality water may contain substances like iron, that can cause dingy red stains. To remove the iron from water and make it laundry grade, different equipment must be used.
Cooking Grade
Also called drinking grade, cooking grade water is the best quality water that can be provided to the home. In most cases, this water is processed with a reverse osmosis system. It provides point-of-use drinking water of a quality similar to expensive bottled water. Cooking grade water is typically used for making beverages like coffee or tea, baking, and of course, drinking. It has no substances that would give it a bad taste or odor.
Because the filtration process for higher grade water is so fine, you wouldn’t want to supply cooking grade water throughout the entire home. Instead, appropriate grades of water can be supplied to the areas that are needed. For example, outside spigots can use utility grade water before the filtration. Washing machines and showers can be supplied with the water after filtration. Finally, a point-of-use system can be hooked up directly to the sink, refrigerator, and ice maker to provide the highest quality drinking water.
We sit down with our clients beforehand to figure out how to provide the whole home with the appropriate quality of water. Everybody uses water differently—therefore, questions need to be asked in order to gain a complete picture of what would work best. Some people don’t ever wash their cars or do laundry at home. By asking relevant questions, we can understand how to provide the best possible solution for our clients.
If you’d like to learn more about how we can provide your home with personalized water quality, give us a call today at (540) 352-4262 or contact us here.